Joshua 24:1-18
"People promise to serve God," DK Children's Everyday Bible, p.83
"Following God," The Lion Bible for Children, p.104
Questions about Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me by Eric Carle:
What did Monica ask her papa to do?
What did he do?
How do you think Monica felt about her papa after that?
Do you think she loved and helped him after that? Why?
Questions about the Bible story:
What did God do for the people?
What did Joshua ask the people to do for God?
Why did Joshua put a big stone in their holy place?
Questions about our lives:
What good things has God done for you and your family?
How do you serve God?
How do you remember to serve God?
Dear God, thank you for all the people who do good things for us. Help us to serve them and serve you with all our heart. Teach us to be thankful. Amen