Take the time to prayer

Submit a Prayer Request

To be added to this prayer wall or to be sent to our prayer chain.

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Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

The Prayer Chain is a group of members that are available to pray, upon request.  They want to give dedicated time in prayer to those that would like it.  

The Prayer Wall page is password protected.  The only way to access this password is through our secure member login.

Prayer Wall entries will be copied and pasted as they are sent.  Please be sure to only include information that you would like to be posted here.  

Yes.  If you would like your prayer to be kept private and only be shared with the Prayer Chain member, please say so in the message you submit below.  We are happy to keep that information to ourselves and our prayers.

The Prayer Request can be kept anonymous on the prayer wall.  You can choose to include your name and email address in the form below.  Just be sure to say that you would like to be kept anonymous.