All of our studies and gatherings are open to you. If you are just getting your feet wet, try BLAST on Sunday mornings. The learning there is geared toward children, but everyone is welcome to participate...and people of all ages do. Or try Tuesday Night Faith Formation, Wednesday morning or Sunday morning studies, all focusing on specific topics or books of the Bible. Whether you have been studying the Bible for years, are a bit rusty, or are new to faith studies, you will find and make friends easily and discover that our learning and study never end. Just pick up wherever you left off.
A particular Lutheran tradition is to encourage and empower everyone in ministry. You might see the pastors up front, but their real job is to work toward the day when EVERYONE is leading something of some sort. Come and discover your spiritual gifts, build your skills, and get to work in whatever ways you are inspired.
Children and teens are part of the church, too. They are also welcome in worship, study, ministry, and leadership. Come Sunday mornings and experience Word for Chidren, a special time for children to hear scripture in a way desgined just for them, and BLAST (Bible Learning And Sharing Together), an experiential Bible workshop that helps children and people of all ages learn the Bible stories by doing. Teens will find a home in the youth group that meets Sunday mornings.
Relationships are messy, and church relationships are no exception. We invite everyone to the ongoing experience of life in community. It can be like a roller coaster: with ups and downs and boring spots too. We guarantee a few things if you stick around long enough: you will form deep, lasting friendships; you will be challenged, comforted, insulted, hurt, healed, and forgiven (some of that will be our fault); God's grace will prevail; you will not be alone. We are not perfect, but we are committed to forming a community where God's grace is our primary resource.
We welcome people into membership through the ancient process of the catechumenate (the practice of delving deeply into scripture, listening to one another, and inquirying together into the life of faith). Your questions and inquiries guide the content which may include matters of faith, church life, history, and personal story. Everyone's journey is unique and we would be happy to accompany you on yours. Talk to one of the pastors and let's get started!