Embroidered stretched canvas photo with poem by Lisa Rude
Together in community
Of and within God's creation
Wine and bread nourished
Spirit wind inhaled
Faith filled fires 
As the disciples joined with Jesus on the road to Emmaus, we too join together within God's creation. We are called to be nourished, inspired, and serve in community. My passion is belonging to the body of Christ and serving together with all people within God's amazing and creative world! 
The image is a blend of two photos from past Lutheran Church of the Cross camping weekends. These times communing, singing, discussing, listening, learning, laughing, and eating together around the campfire fan our own spiritual fires and send us home renewed and better able to serve. Notice the bread and wine are prominently in the foreground. After we are all fed and nourished, there is always more left to share with others. The flames of the campfire seem to be burning from the edge of the wine chalice, symbolizing the power of the Holy Spirit. There is also an empty chair, an invitation for the viewer to join us. The embroidery blends with the photo, and yet provides a 3-dimensional bridge to connect with the viewer, drawing them into the circle around God's spiritual fire.

Together in Community

Embroidery detail
Embroidery detail
Embroidery detail
Embroidery detail
Embroidery detail