How are you doing?
This is the main question on my mind…and I hope it is the main question on your mind as you think about your family, friends and neighbours.
Remember that our government, health officials, and other leaders are asking us to self-isolate to both stop the spread of the virus and to protect the capacity of our health care system to serve those who are ill.
With our day-to-day routines interrupted so abruptly, we have a unique opportunity to rest and reset. You can think of it as forced Sabbath. Please take care of yourself and your family and take intentional breaks from monitoring the situation and from all technology and social media. Read a book. Listen to music. Do a jigsaw puzzle. We have an extended opportunity to spend time with our families, our friends, and our neighbours, even if it is only over the phone. Call someone. Ask them how they’re doing and really take time to re-connect. If you have to run an errand, check in with some other people and see if your errand can help them as well.
Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray like everything depends on your prayer. Love like God’s got everything under control. Remember that God is calling to us from a hopeful future. Remember…Baptized, We Live! Stay calm and do what you can to encourage those around you to stay calm as well.
Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 Lean on him and take this time to renew your spirit.
If you need to talk with someone, I’m here. Call anytime. 403-540-0053. If you experience any sort of trouble or need, please call right away.
If you would like to “see” someone, I have a Zoom meeting room & will be online Wednesdays at 9:30 am for morning prayer, and 2 pm for whatever you need. Call if you have any tech trouble or if you want to test it out before then.
We also have a team of people willing to run necessary errands if you need some support. Call the church office if you need that help 403-255-4792. (Our church office line is now linked to a personal phone.)
There are several supports being put in place as the situation changes and organizations have time to respond. The Synod of Alberta and the Territories created a link for COVID-19 responses. You will find all national and synodical church responses to the COVID-19 virus there.
Information about the virus and health guidance is available here:
In accordance with a request from our national Bishop, we will not be conducting any gatherings or worship at this time, with the exception of sandwich making, which is a food support ministry to the most vulnerable in our community. To those of you who participate in sandwich making, please observe all current sanitation and protection guidelines. Spray disinfectant and gloves are provided at the church.
The national church is compiling a single list of all livestreamed worship opportunities: Look for this list of live worship opportunities to grow.
You might also try this site, available 24/7:
Are we providing what you need? What else can we do? We are here for you, so please help us and we seek to help one another.
Pastor Laura (403) 540-0053