In-person worship: Sundays 10:00am; ALSO livestreamed online at 10:00am
In-person worship is available Sundays 10:00am
The following guidelines will apply to in-person worship attendance:
We strongly recommend that only fully vaccinated people attend
Persons exhibiting any COVID-related symptoms (new cough, runny nose, difficulty breathing, fever, etc.) may not attend. If you are experiencing COVID-related symptoms, you should stay home, seek a COVID-19 test and healthcare as required, and experience worship online
Masks are required at all times while inside the church building. Our building is accessible to children who are not yet vaccinated and we appreciated your compliance as we seek to protect them.
Social distancing is in effect
Sharing of the peace will be conducted by waving or saying hello, with no physical contact
The offering plate will not be passed but an offering plate will be placed at the entrance of the sanctuary
There will be no in-person Word for Children
Fellowship time after worship will be outside
We reiterate our strong suggestion that you not attend in-person worship unless you are fully vaccinated