
Worship Services are outside of the Restriction Exemption Program scope.  That means that we will not be asking for proof of vaccination to attend.  

  • All people in attendance must remain masked at all times (the only exception is when receiving communion).
  • Physical distancing must be observed
  • Family groups/households should be seated together
  • Pews will be marked as Not In Use to help faciliate physical distancing
  • Our capacity is capped at 75 people
  • Communion will be continuous: ushers will advise when it is your turn to proceed down the aisle, communion will be received at the front, continue moving along the front to the next aisle to return to your seat.  If you would like to kneel at the rail, or light a candle you may do so during this time.  Please be mindful of the others around you and that physical distancing must be maintained.
  • Offering plates will be located at the entrances.
  • Fellowship will take place after worship in adherance to the physical distancing and masking protocols with open doors and/or outside in the courtyard.

All Other Activites Within the Church

Lutheran Church of the Cross has declared our building as a Restriction Exemption Program Facility.  This means that in order to enter the space (for anything other than worship) you must provide proof of vaccination.

As of Nov 15th the only eligibile proof of vaccination within Alberta with be the Alberta Health Services QR code.  This is very easy to obtain.  You can print it and keep it with you in your purse or wallet, or you can save it to your phone.

The link to download your QR code is https://covidrecords.alberta.ca/

We will be using QR code readers to check everyones vacinnation record.  I just wanted to share with you that the app we download as the scanner does not keep any information, nor does it show us any personal information.  All we see on the screen is your name, birthday and a green check mark to say that your vaccination record is up to date.  The reason we get to see your name and birthday is so that we can check that against your ID.