Click here at 2 pm on Wednesday, December 23 for the livestream funeral service.
The service will be held at Lutheran Church of the Cross with only immediate family attending due to COVID restrictions.
The order of service is as follows:
Thanksgiving for Baptism
Music – "Precious Lord, Take My Hand" by Tommy Dorsey
Eulogies – Jonathan Wells
Tributes – Frieda Wells. Marshall Wells
Readings: Psalm 23, Romans 8:31-39
Music – "Amazing Grace"
The Lord’s Prayer
Video Tribute – Back Ground Music: Autumn Leaves by Miles Davis
Jared is survived by his parents, Brian and Renee, brother Jonathan, and his daughter Frieda and son, Marshall. Frieda and Marshall were the joys of his life.
Jared was born in Calgary and lived there his entire life. Studies came easy to him and he graduated with honors from high school as well as university.
He has loved music all his life and was enrolled in junior high and high school bands as well as jazz bands. While in high school, Jared had the privilege to be accepted to the Alberta Honor Band and travel to several European countries. He also was able to go to Japan. While at the University of Calgary, he performed in the University Jazz Band. He graduated in Honors Econopmics.
Jared worked as an oil and gas trader for 22 years in downtown Calgary. He then started his second career as a jazz musician. He enjoyed reading and his hobbies were chess and bridge.